Monday, June 17, 2013


What I had for today morning? As usual, a cup of convenient coffee. I got myself a cup of Nescafe from the coffee machine at level 5. While I was looking for coins in bag I started to wonder what if I do not have enough coins, then I started to look around see if theres anyone I know…  ermm… I know no one there, BUT I see all the tired faces in the early morning, all dressed in Black and White sitting in the hall in level 5 waiting for the case management to start, basically they did nothing there, some were talking to each other, some were playing with their phones, some were just sitting there termenung (the most common one)…. I wonder whether they already took their breakfast uhh actually I was not busybody bt just happened my stomach was growling at that time.

that’s the fact, lawyers spent their time waiting in court for trials, case management, mention or whatever stuff deals with the court, waiting is always a tortuous process, you can hardly see a smiley happy face on a lawyer even in the early morning,  true enough,  they all looked either severely deprived from sleep or suffer from working-too-hard syndromes.
Never mind la, I told myself, it is gonna be part of my practice life… Yes, just PART of it..

Nescafe with creamer w/ sugar… finally, I got the taste of coffee, great day to me. I was praying again that God will sent his angel again to help me MOB, since I haven’t called to the bar, I am unable to appear in court, I just hope I can bump into someone in court later…

Miracles do happen isn’t it, and God works miraculously, I saw a UKM senior walking into the court and sat beside one Malay lawyer, I kept staring at her and wish …. Please look at me please at me I need you I need you … right, law of attraction worked for me 80%, she saw me and say Hi to me, I was like YES! God thank you for your angel… I faster go sit beside her and asked whether she can help me MOB, and she said OKAY!!! OMG, you are just too awesomely great! I was so released at the time… finally problem of the day was solved…

Tick tokk tick tokk, damn la, already 9.40am, I still cannot see my opponent, where the hell was the Plaintiff? My dear kind hearted senior got another matter at magistrate court, if my opponent counsel not turning up yet, how am I suppose to get my case done la…. And then, I pray pray pray again… SUDDENDLY I saw one pretty Indian Lawyer approached to the interpreter and the interpreter then waved his hand asked me coming forward… UHHHHH, she MOB for the Plaintiff!! Yes, finally, both parties present, and she said she can MOB for me also… My heart was so released at the time la, and I went to tell my pretty senior, the Plaintiff will MOB for me also so no need to trouble her. Thank you senior.

Then, I sat down talking to the pretty Indian Lawyer, and I asked for her namecard, GOSH, shes my UKM senior also wehh, two year senior… but we cannot recognized each other as usual. After few minutes of chitchatting our case was calledup… and finally, todays matter was done ... and my super mission to get the case done indirectly was also done. I need to get someone to help me in court until  I get my practicing cert, I think its gonna be more than one month… ugnnnn…

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